About ENGR-400

Current topics in engineering and related disciplines. Guest speakers are invited from both academia and industry. This course is intended to broaden the technical and employment horizons for engineering students. The lecture series is open to the public.

Learning Objectives

Successful completion of the course will enable students to:

  1. Identify the various types of engineering work being conducted in industry and academic research settings.
  2. Differentiate between applied engineering and theoretical engineering work.
  3. Critique a selected engineering topic and synthesize the state of the knowledge around that topic.

Course Expectations

The course will involve regularly scheduled presentations from internal and external speakers invited to present on topics from industry and research relevant to upper level engineering students.

Students will:

  1. Actively participate in discussions around the topics presented by invited speakers
  2. Use their course experiences to better define the work being conducted in the engineering field
  3. Conduct critical analysis of the topics presented and their understanding of the relevant body of knowledge in written and/or oral format