Andrew Elizondo

10:10 am
Microsoft Teams


Structural Dynamics is a field by which one must use both a macro and micro perspective to achieve success. In doing so, good communication with peers, customers, leadership, and technical hardware teams is imperative. Such communication is built on empathizing with people and understanding their motivations such that a common goal is achieved. Empathy can drive value-added processes and tool development, however, the lack thereof may lead to catastrophic failure. Also, understand your value within technical teams such that you continue to learn and the team benefits.


Andrew Elizondo is the Process Lead within the Structural Dynamics group at United Launch Alliance. He holds a Bachelors degree in Engineering Mechanics and Aeronautics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Andrew has spent the last 11 years working coupled loads analysis on the Atlas, Delta, and Vulcan launch vehicles, including: model correlation, loads generation, and process improvement.